Environmental Health and Food Safety

Staff Directory

commentboxQuestions and comments for the Environmental Health and Food Safety Section (EHFSS) may be sent by clicking on the box above.

Do you have a concern about a licensed public facility such as a restaurant, hotel, trailer court, tattoo artist, or swimming pool? Did you witness a violation of local or state COVID regulations? File a complaint here.

Certified Food Protection Manager Trainings

Contact Environmental Health and Food Safety

Cottage Food & Farmer's Markets

Public Accommodations

Retail Food Establishments

Schools, Daycares, Community Homes

Swimming Pools, Spas, and other Water Features

Tattooing, Cosmetic Tattooing, Body Piercing, Ear Piercing

Trailer Courts and Campgrounds

Wholesale Food Establishments

The Mission of Environmental Health and Food Safety is to protect consumers and promote environmental health providing leadership, education, and services.