Swimming Pools, Spas and other Water Features

This page provides an overview of the rules and laws regulating pools, spas, and water features, information on plan reviews, CPO courses, and provides resources like posters and water chemistry logs for owners/operators. If you have questions regarding a plan review, please contact EHFS. If you have questions regarding inspections, please contact your local environmental health office

Montana Administrative Rules

ARM 37.115.106 has been amended to adopt Circular FCS 3-2022, the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code 2021, and ANSI/APSP/ICC 7 - 2020, effective February 25, 2023.  Please use the following documents as resources for planning and operating your public facility.

Department Opinions

Montana Code Annotated

Plan Review

New construction and remodels must be reviewed by both DPHHS and Department of Labor and Industry Building Codes (DLI).  Please refer to the following DLI website to find contact information for the appropriate building codes official, Certified City, County, and Town Programs.  Contact the State Building Codes Bureau for projects being built in a jurisdiction that is not certified for swimming pools.

Certified Pool Operator (CPO) Class

CDC Fecal Incident Response

Chlorine Institute Pamphlets

Float Tanks



Other Helpful Information