Independent Living
To make independent living a reality for Montanans with disabilities by promoting and practicing a philosophy of consumer control, development of peer relationships and peer role models, self-determination, self-help, equal access, and advocacy to maximize independence, integration, and full inclusion of people with disabilities into mainstream Montana.
The Montana Statewide Independent Living Council (MTSILC) Centers for Independent Living (CIL) and Disability Employment and Transitions (DET) work together to accomplish this mission. These organizations address a variety of issues impacting Montanans with all types of disabilities.
Julia Arnold, IL Program Manager
201 1st St South, STE 2
Great Falls, MT 59405
1-877-296-1197 (Toll-free consumer line)
406-202-8064 (text, voice)
To receive Independent Living funds under Title VII, Chapter 1 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, each state must develop a State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL). In Montana, the plan is developed jointly every three years by the SILC, CIL and DET.
View the full 2024-2027 SPIL here
Mission: Montana Statewide Independent Living Program
To make independent living a reality for Montanans with disabilities by promoting and practicing a philosophy of consumer control, development of peer relationships and peer role models, self-determination, self-help, equal access, and advocacy to maximize independence, integration, and full inclusion of people with disabilities into mainstream Montana.
The Montana Statewide Independent Living Council (MTSILC), Centers for Independent Living (CIL), and Disability Employment and Transitions (DET) work together to accomplish this mission. These organizations address a variety of issues impacting Montanans with all types of disabilities.
Goal 1: Promote Awareness of Independent Living Services for those with disabilities across Montana:
- Objective 1: Conduct meaningful outreach to current consumers
- Objective 2: Conduct meaningful outreach/public relations to perspective consumers, caregivers, and stakeholders.
Goal 2: Provide factual evidence to stake holders, community members, and state and local legislatures to provide best practices that advocate for systemic change in the Independent Living community.
- Objective 1: educate ourselves, form our position, and express our position to stakeholders & policy makers using white papers to advocate for systemic change (topics potentially including: employment first, coordinated transportation)
- Objective 2: Determine, write, and distribute White Paper(s) focused on topics important to Montanans living with disabilities to create systems change and the implementation of effective practices and policies.
Goal 3: Develop integrated community access for Montanans with disabilities.
- Objective 1: SILC will support through its Olmstead Committee education and awareness it will support a unified state plan.
- Objective 2: Create access to the disability community as contributing participants in development of policy
2021-2023 SPIL
2017-2019 SPIL
2014-2016 SPIL
2011-2013 SPIL
2008-2010 SPIL
Legislative Advocacy Task Force
A joint effort between Montana’s four Centers for Independent Living and the Statewide Independent Living Council. Its purpose is to guide the statewide legislative efforts of Montana’s Independent Living network and to coordinate activities between the various task forces.
Meets every other Wed. at 10:30am.
Contact Tom Osborn (Chair) for more info or to join:
Community Living Task Force (CLTF)
Mission Statement: The mission of the Community Living Task Force (CLTF) is to enhance the ability of and opportunity for all Montanans with disabilities to achieve full inclusion in their communities and advocate for adequate access to affordable and accessible community living options. The CLTF includes all disabilities, mental and physical.
The Community Living Task Force (CLTF) is comprised of representatives from each of Montana’s four Centers for Independent living and other community advocates. As part of the Montana Independent Living Network the Community Living Task Force, primarily focuses on legislative and systemic change initiatives in the following areas:
- Expanding and improving accessible and affordable housing programs that support independent living options for people with disabilities.
- Eliminating barriers that limit community living opportunities for people with disabilities such as architectural and attitudinal barriers.
- Increasing the accessibility of business and local, state and national government facilities/programs, by working to advocate and promote ADA compliance.
- Public education of community and housing accessibility options, barriers, and the philosophy of independent living in terms of individuals’ rights to live, work, and recreate independently in the community.
Meets the third Thursday of the month.
Contact Alan Fugleberg (Co-Chair) or Theresa Martinosky (Co-Chair) for more information or to join.
Self Determination Task Force
Meets every other Wed. at 1:30.
Contact Travis Hoffman (Chair) for info or to join:
Native American Task Force
The statewide Native American Task Force (NATF), coordinated by Montana’s Centers for Independent Living (MTCIL), seeks to establish and maintain relationships with Montana Centers for Independent Living (CIL’s) and American Indian/Alaska Native communities. The NATF strives to work effectively with all Communities to promote collaboration that benefits American Indians/Alaska Natives across Montana.
Meets monthly on Friday mornings at 10am
Contact Sophia Tanguma for more info or to join:
Youth Employment and Transitions Task Force (YETF)
Mission: to empower youth with disabilities to prepare for the workforce and build more inclusive communities within Montana by reducing barriers, providing meaningful choices, promoting self-advocacy skills, and encouraging competitive integrated employment.
Meets second Tuesday of every month.
Contact Rachel Mosley for more info or to join:
Transportation Task Force
Mission: Advocacy for accessible transportation in all forms and throughout Montana. Promote funding and coordination for transportation systems, accessible sidewalks, pathways, and disaster preparedness for Montanans with disabilities.
Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month @ 1:00pm or as needed
Contact Shyla Patera (Co-Chair) or Colleen Forrester (Co-Chair) cforrester@ncils.orgmore for more information or to join.
Montana Youth Leadership Forum
MYLF Mission
Identify students with disabilities who have exhibited leadership skills and equip them with additional training so that they may become leaders by example.
MYLF Students will expand their knowledge of the culture of disability, learn about all types of disabilities, and meet adults who are living successfully with disabilities.
“It’s not possible for people with disabilities to truly integrate until we are recognized as having pride in who we are as disabled people.”
– Steve Brown, Founder of Institute on Disability Culture
MYLF Goals
For each individual to develop
- Community Leadership Plans
- Academic and Career Goals
- Work Ethic
- Resource Development Plan: attain independence through the following:
- Technology
- Community Support
- Peer Mentoring
- Civil Rights
Montana Youth Transitions Conference
Transition to What?
- Employment
- Education
- Social and Recreation
- Independent Living
Pre-Employment and Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) are activities that provide an early start at job exploration for students with disabilities ages 14-21 to assist with transitioning from school to postsecondary education or employment. Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services (VRBS) works with schools and other organizations across the state to deliver Pre-ETS services. Pre-ETS services focus on
- Job Exploration Counseling
- Work-Based Learning Experiences
- Counseling on Post-Secondary Programs
- Workplace Readiness Training
- Instruction in Self-Advocacy
Find out more Montana Pre-ETS
"Regardless of our individual experiences and superficial appearances we all share one integral human similarity, the need to feel valued, productive and connected."
- Catherine Kelly Baird, Lifelong Disability Advocate
Americans with Disabilities Act
- 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
- ADA Employment Course
- ADA Revised Regulations
- Accessible Transportation (check for update*)
- National Network of ADA Centers
- Rocky Mountain ADA Center
Local and State
- Disability Rights Montana
- Eagle Mount, Billings, Montana
- Eagle Mount, Bozeman, Montana
- Eagle Mount, Great Falls, Montana
- Living Well Under the Big Sky: Montana Disabilities and Health Program
- MonTech- University of Montana
- RTC: Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
- Rural Institute
- American Association on Health and Disability, Washington, D.C.
- CDC Disability and Health, Accessibility
- Center for Disabilities Study
- Disabled Businessperson's Association
- Research and Training Center on IL
- Research and Training Center on Disabilities in Rural Communities
- Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Workplace Supports
- Social Security Administration
Deaf & Blind Services
- Montana Association of the Blind
A support group for people who have visual disabilities and the president is Dan Burke. Laura Gluckert, administrative manager of the association can be reached at for more information.406-442-9411 - Montana Association of the Deaf
- Montana Low Vision Service, Inc., Billings, MT
- Montana Low Vision, Resources and Organizations
- Montana School for the Deaf & the Blind, Great Falls, MT
- Montana Hands & Voices
Supporting families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology. A parent-driven, non-profit organization providing families with the resources, networks, and information they need to improve communication access and educational outcomes for their children. - Montana Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
- Montana Speech/Language and Hearing Association
Other Useful Pages
- Job Accommodation Network - Workplace Accommodations and ADA Support
- Home Modification
- Our Homes: Accessible, Affordable, Integrated, Housing Training
Higher Education
- Aaniih Nakoda College- contact Dean of Students (406) 353-3907
- Bitterroot College
- Blackfeet Community College
- Carroll College Accessibility | Carroll College
- Chief Dull Knife College Student Services | Living the Vision (
- Dawson Community College Accessibility (
- Flathead Valley Community College Disability Support - Flathead Valley Community College (
- Fort Peck Community College Disability-Services.pdf (
- Gallatin College MSU
- Great Falls College Montana State Disability Services - Students | Great Falls College MSU (
- Helena College University of Montana Accessibility Services - Helena College
- Highlands College of Montana Tech Disability Services - Montana Tech - Montana's Premier STEM University (
- Little Big Horn College-
- Miles Community College Disability Support Services - Miles Community College (
- Montana State University- Billings Disability Support Services | MSU Billings
- Montana State University- Bozeman Disability Services | Montana State University
- Montana State University- Northern Accessibility Services - Accessibility Services | MSU Northern
- Montana Technological University Disability Services - Montana Tech - Montana's Premier STEM University (
- Rocky Mountain College Disability Services Disability Services - RMC (
- Salish Kootenai College Disability Services - Salish Kootenai College (
- Stone Child College- contact Dean of Student Services (406) 395-4875 x1272 directly
- University of Montana- Missoula Office for Disability Equity (
- University of Montana- Western Disability Services | University of Montana Western (
- University of Providence Disability Services - University of Providence (