Disability Employment and Transitions


Advancing the independence and employment of Montanans with disabilities.

Organizational Structure

Disability Employment and Transitions is one of the twelve divisions of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The division operates under the Economic Securities Branch of the Department alongside the divisions of Child and Family Services, Child Support Enforcement, and Human and Community Services, and Early Childhood Development.

Services are provided through its four bureaus and multiple programs: 

The General Vocational Rehabilitation Bureau
The General Vocational Rehabilitation Bureau provides individualized vocational rehabilitation and supportive services to assist eligible individuals with disabilities to obtain, maintain, and advance in jobs compatible with their skills and abilities.

The Program Supports and Operations Bureau

This bureau leads the division’s work with community rehabilitation programs, the extended employment program, supported employment, State Rehabilitation Council, State Independent Living Council, tribal vocational rehabilitation liaison data reporting, independent living services, contract management, business and fiscal management, and Ticket to Work.

  Pre-Employment Transition Services Bureau
Pre-Employment Transition Services are offered to all school-enrolled students with disabilities aged 14-21 in Montana.  These services provide students an early start to job exploration and instruction in self-advocacy.  We provide these services in partnership with local education agencies, community rehabilitation providers, and independent living centers. 

Blind and Low Vision Services Bureau
Blind and Low Vision Services provide services to assist in finding or maintaining employment, learning to live with low vision or blindness, and increasing independence.

Disability Determination Services Bureau
This bureau decides who gets disability benefits through the Social Security Administration.

The Division’s programs include the Montana Accessible Communications State Independent Living Services, the Extended Employment Program, MonTech Assistive Technology, and the Department’s public transportation coordination.

The Disability Employment and Transitions Division includes three citizen councils. They are:

Chanda Hermanson

Disability Employment and Transitions is always interested in improving its programs. We collect public comments through our website. We then use those comments to help develop our state plan. For a response to an immediate issue, please visit the Contact Us page.