Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services

Appeal Rights

Decisions made by Vocational Rehabilitation may be appealed.

The Client Assistance Program (CAP) at Disability Rights Montana can provide you with information, advocacy, and help appealing a decision.

Client Assistance Program
1022 Chestnut Street, Helena, MT 59601
Toll Free 1 (800) 245-4743 (Voice/TTY)
(406) 449-2344 (Voice/TTY)
Fax (406) 449-2418

You may request "conciliation" (a review of the decision and discussion with a supervisor or a counselor). For this, please contact your counselor or (Name of Regional Administrator), Regional Administrator at (Regional Office Address) (Regional Office Phone Number) (Voice or TTY) or dial toll free (Regional Office Toll Free number).

If you are dissatisfied with an agency decision you may appeal the decision in writing or by phone within 45-days of the date you are notified of the decision. Contact:

Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) Hearing Officer
PO Box 202953
Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-2470 (Voice/TDD)

The Hearing Officer will guide you and your representative through an Administrative Review and/or a Fair Hearing.

After appealing the decision, you may also request "mediation services" provided by an independent, impartial mediator. A mediation request may be made either to the Hearings Officer or call (Name of RA) Regional Administrator for Vocational Rehabilitation at (Regional Office Address) (Regional Office Phone Number) (Voice or TTY) or (Regional Office Toll Free Number).