Montana Telecommunications Access Program

CSC600If you or a loved one have difficulty using a standard telephone, you could qualify to receive assistive telecommunications equipment — at no cost to you — on loan through the Montana Telecommunications Access Program (MTAP). Apply now to get started!

Types of Equipment

ipadWe offer a diverse array of solutions to meet your needs. MTAC equipment specialists can help you find the equipment that’s right for you and provide free training to show you how to use it. Solutions include: 

  • Text telephones (TTYs)
  • Captioned telephones (CapTel®)
  • Tablets and cellular phones* 
  • Amplified phones
  • Ring signalers
  • Hands-free phones 
  • Artificial larynxes and more! 

Eligibility Qualifications

KX-TGM450To receive equipment on loan, applicants must meet the following criteria*:

  • A resident of Montana at least 5 years of age or older
  • Considered deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind, blind, low vision or having mobility or speech-related difficulties by a qualified medical or hearing professional, caregiver, or social worker. (NOTE: Vision disability MUST be paired with one of the other listed conditions to receive services.) 
  • Able to demonstrate his or her ability to understand the nature and use of the equipment for the purpose of sending or receiving messages through the telephone system
  • Make less than 250 percent of the Federal Poverty level for the current year. Your annual family income must be included. View the definition of “Income” as it pertains to MTAC. To find out more about how your household income level compares, view our Current Income Eligibility Guidelines.
  • If the applicant is under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign and assume responsibility for the equipment. Emancipated minors are considered adults for this application.

Note:  Eligibility is self-certifying. However, MTAC may request additional documentation on income or impairment verification.

3 Ways to Apply RA05

  • Apply online:  it’s fast, easy and secure! 
  • Download the application , then print and mail it to: 
         Montana Accessible Communications
         PO Box 4210
         Helena, MT 59604
  • Contact us  to request a paper application by mail 

Approval or Denial of Application

Written notification of approval or denial will be mailed within 30 days of receiving your application.

  • If the application is approved, a letter will be mailed to you confirming your approval. An equipment specialist will follow up with you to assess your specific needs and provide you with the most appropriate equipment, including set-up and training.
  • If the application is denied, the letter will state the reasons for denial and the process for appeal.
  • No-response policy: If the program sends three letters to schedule an appointment and receives no response, then the application will be cancelled.

*Applicants must meet specific additional criteria to qualify for tablets and cellular telephones

CapTel is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc.