Developmental Disabilities Workforce Capacity Development Near-Term Initiative

On Jan. 11, 2024, the Behavioral Health Systems for Future Generations (BHSFG) Commission passed the DD Workforce Capacity Development Near-Term Initiative (NTI). The NTI was subsequently approved by Gov. Gianforte on Jan. 30.

The Workforce Capacity Development NTI will provide up to $350,000 to pilot a Direct Support Professionals (DSP) credentialing structure to test best practice approaches to stabilizing the DSP workforce by establishing career ladders through the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals platform eBadge Academy, a web-based credentialing program.

Funds will cover staff time for DSPs participating in the credentialing program as well as “backfilled” staff to cover the shift time of staff enrolled in the credentialing program; payroll processing, grant reporting and tracking and other administrative costs incurred by selected provider agencies; technical support provided by NADSP to support providers in implementation; and one-time incentive bonuses to DSPs once they reach credentialing tiers. The selected provider agencies are: Missoula Developmental Service Corporation DBA The Arc Western Montana, Opportunity Resources, Inc., Milk River Inc., Havre Day Activity Center, and AWARE Inc.

Additionally, $200,000 of funding is allocated through this NTI to enhance training opportunities for healthcare professionals to support individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) seeking medical and behavioral healthcare by sponsoring 500 “seats” in the Curriculum in IDD Healthcare eLearn course.

This course teaches the fundamentals of IDD health care, providing participants with pertinent, practical information regarding people with disabilities that can improve outcomes, reduce suffering, and prevent unnecessary death. The goal of this training is to help promote better health care outcomes, including acute care services for individuals with IDD. The completed course earns the participant 5 CME/6 CEU credits.

Both workforce stabilization and increased capacity within the broader healthcare delivery system to support people with IDD are critical to the long-term sustainability and quality of care for Montanans with IDD.