Healthy Montana Kids (HMK) Transportation Services

All travel must be approved before you will get paid

The HMK Coverage Group will provide financial assistance towards expenses for HMK Members’ transport, meals and lodging while en route to Medically Necessary medical care. It is important to have Members’ Participating Providers submit requests for Prior Authorization to the Claim Administrator and receive approval for Medically Necessary medical care before submitting Prior Authorization for travel and per diem.

  1. Prior Authorization is required for all transportation and per diem reimbursement. Members’ Participating Providers must sign and submit Prior Authorization forms to the Claim Administrator before Members travel to receive   medical care.
  2. Members must schedule an appointment and attend the appointment prior to receiving transportation and per diem reimbursement.
  3. Coverage of per diem and transportation is available for a responsible adult to accompany a minor for whom the responsible adult is necessary to provide legal consent for medical procedures.

It's your responsibility to call...

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Montana (BCBS)

(855) 258-3489