Help Save Lives

Addiction is not a crime, it's not a moral issue.


The next SUDs Task Force meeting will be held April 16th, 2025 from 10:00am to 3:00pm at the Best Western - Great Northern in Helena, MT. A virtual option is available for participants who can't join us in person.
If you would like to attend the statewide SUDs Task Force meetings please email Emma Perry For resources from past meetings, please see below.

Also, check out the 2024-2028 Montana Substance Use Disorder Task Force Strategic Plan brought to you by the Montana SUDs Task Force

For information on Naloxone, please visit

Get the Facts Resources

Substance Use Disorder in Montana and Recognizing Addiction

Get in Front of It

Naloxone, Dropbox Locations and Safe Storage and Disposal of Rx Medications

Get Help

Finding Treatment and Resources for Parents, Family and Friends

Get Involved

SUDs Task Force and CDC Grant Overview


Information for Providers, First Responders and Pharmacist

Montana Substance Use Disorder Task Force