
It is important to consider inhalation hazards that may be present in both environments (indoor and outdoor). Indoor hazards are increasingly present in older buildings/infrastructure, but they may also be present in newer buildings. Outdoor air quality is largely seasonal but can also impact indoor air quality at various times of the year. Here is a brief list of air hazards to consider (hazards are not limited to this list):

Carbon monoxide may occur as a by-product of household utilities (e.g., water heater, stove, etc.) or from highways or industrial sources. We strongly suggest the usage of carbon monoxide detectors/alarms. Each year, over 400 people die in the US from accidental carbon monoxide exposure). Reduce your chances of experiencing such a tragedy by ensuring you are equipped to detect and respond to increased carbon monoxide levels.

Mold exposures that occur over long periods of time (i.e., >1 year) can result in long-term health effects. Short-term exposures can induce asthmatic responses and even cause life-threatening conditions in immune-compromised individuals. If your home does have a mold problem, consider mitigating the hazard as soon as possible.

Studies show that in most buildings about 70-90% of outdoor smoke particulate levels are observed indoors. This means that the particulates can find ways to infiltrate your home. We recommend utilizing an ultrafine air filtration (e.g., HEPA) unit indoors to help provide a refuge from the smoke particles.

Radon is a naturally occurring gas from the ground that can cause lung cancer and poses a greater risk to children than adults, whose breathing rates are higher.

In Montana, just over 47% of homes tested have radon levels above 4 picoCuries per liter of air (pCi/L), which is the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommended action level to address radon in the home. The average number of homes above 4pCi/L in some Montana counties ranges from 50-53%.

Montana is ranked third in the nation with homes with levels above 20 pCi/L and is ranked fifth in the nation with homes with levels above 4 pCi/L. You cannot smell, see, or taste radon, but you can test for it. We recommend everyone test for radon.

Counties may have an elevated risk of vapor intrusion from historic or off-site contamination. Ask your local health department if they know of any vapor intrusion risks in your neighborhood.

Indoor wood smoke can cause respiratory irritation and trigger negative immune system responses. Sources of indoor wood smoke include poorly sealed wood stoves or infiltration from poor outside air quality (e.g., wildfires during hot or dry seasons; smoke from wood stove usage during cold seasons and temperature inversions).