Pregnant and Post-Partum Women Grant (PPW)

Pregnant and Post-Partum Women Pilot Project ‘Strengthening Families Initiative’  

Program Description:

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services; Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Division (BHDD) strives to enhance substance use disorder (SUD) prevention and family strengthening services for pregnant and postpartum mothers experiencing SUD through the Strengthening Families Initiative (SFI).

Population and area of focus: SFI supports pregnant and postpartum women with SUD as a primary diagnosis and their families statewide in Montana. SFI oversees the implementation of this work in collaboration with other DPHHS Divisions including the Child and Family Services Division (CFSD), Early Childhood and Family Services Division (ECFSD), and the Health Resources Division (HRD). Montana’s support for pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorders and their families is guided by a shared vision for the future, a service system mission, and guiding principles.

VISION: Healthy Mothers, Children, and Families

MISSION: Implement and improve an appropriate statewide system of prevention, treatment, care, and rehabilitation for Pregnant and Post-Partum Montanans with mental disorders or addictions to drugs or alcohol.

DPHHS’ work to support prenatal and postpartum individuals with SUDs and their families is organized into five GOALS:

  • Equitable Access. Pregnant and postpartum individuals with SUDs and their families equitably receive services and supports to meet their needs across the continuum of care.
  • Programs and services are coordinated to provide seamless services, support quality improvement, and avoid duplication.
  • Montana has a confident and effective behavioral health workforce that supports the needs of pregnant and postpartum individuals with SUDs and their families.
  • Families are partners in creating safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments.
  • Our policies and funding demonstrate our sustained commitment to supporting pregnant and postpartum individuals with SUDs and their families.


Objective of Contractual Partnerships:

The five contracts under this initiative increases the state’s capacity to:

  • Provide a full continuum of care to this population by increasing the number and capacity of SUD providers
  • Pilot two evidence-based practices with similar approaches to treating pregnant/postpartum women for SUD and trauma
  • Pilot Montana’s first family-based recovery home which includes fathers as an integral and important part of the family system
  • GOLDEN GOAL: This pilot project and the services herein will be recognized and reviewed for potential expansion under Medicaid.


Contractual Partnerships: The PPW Pilot Project funding is currently in partnership with five contracted sites for a three-year grant cycle.

  • Florence Crittenton
  • YWCA Helena
  • Mountain Home Montana
  • Rimrock Foundation
  • One Health; Bighorn Valley Health Center


To obtain data and/or success stories compiled throughout the life of this pilot project and/or to obtain a copy of our strategic plan, please contact PPW Pilot Project Manager using the contact information below.