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Overview:  SAMHSA’s PATH program is a formula grant authorized by the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1990. And was reauthorized by Section 9004 of the 21st Century Cures Act (P.L. 114-255).  PATH, part of the first major federal legislative response to homelessness, is administered by the SAMHSA Center for Mental Health Services (CMH).

Eligibility Requirements:  Per the federal legislation PATH eligible means that an individual has a serious mental illness, or serious mental illness and substance use disorder, and is experiencing homelessness or is at imminent risk of becoming homeless.

Supported Activities:  PATH-eligible persons will be supported by the following services depending on the person’s needs:

  • Outreach
  • Screening and diagnostic treatment
  • Habilitation and rehabilitation
  • Community mental health
  • Substance use disorder treatment
  • Referrals for primary health care, job training, educational services, and housing
  • Housing services as specified in Section 22(b)(10) of the Public Health Services Act

Budget:  Montana receives a federal award annually in the amount of $300,000.  Cash or an in-kind match is required of at least $1.00 for each $3.00 of the Federal funds. 

Annual Report: In State Fiscal Year 2021 the PATH program served:

  • 348 Persons contacted
  • 196 New persons contacted
  • 231 Persons active and enrolled

PATH programs: 

Billings:  South Central MT Regional Mental Health Center

Butte:     Action, Inc.

Missoula:   Union Gospel Mission

Kalispell:      Western MT Mental Health Center

Great Falls:  Alluvion Health

Bozeman:    The HRDC Bozeman