Date: October 18 2021
Contact: Jon Ebelt, Public Information Officer, DPHHS, (406) 444-0936
Chuck Council, Communications Specialist, DPHHS, (406) 444-4391
DPHHS: Montanans Encouraged to Provide Input for Agency Red Tape Relief Efforts
Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) Director Adam Meier said today the agency will engage in a comprehensive review of all agency rules and regulations over the next several months.
The effort is part of Governor Greg Gianforte’s Red Tape Relief Task Force.
Montanans are encouraged to submit ideas online about a rule or law that applies to DPHHS to be considered for review.
“We can always improve, and that is what this initiative is all about,” Meier said. “DPHHS serves thousands of Montanans, and we’d like to receive as much feedback as possible. If there are improvements that can be made, we want to hear about it from the public.”
The agency Red Tape Relief website is here and Montanans can provide their suggestions and feedback via the DPHHS Red Tape Relief Form.
Those who submit ideas are asked to indicate to the best of their ability which division of DPHHS the idea applies to, the relevant statute or regulation impacted, and the issue. Participants are asked to identify any potential solution or improvements while completing the online form.
DPHHS officials will be working internally and with stakeholders for input and feedback.
Red Tape Relief is designed to remove excessive, outdated and unnecessary regulations and improve clarity, efficiency and utility of DPHHS regulations through an exhaustive and comprehensive review. The end result aims to save taxpayer dollars, reduce everyday costs for Montanans and implement efficiencies.
Currently, there’s over 4.7 million words in the Administrative Rules of Montana. In addition, Director Meier said there’s roughly 3,500 regulations from DPHHS alone spanning the full spectrum of health and human services.
Questions about the initiative can be submitted to the DPHHS Red Tape Question form.