Early Childhood and Family Support Division (ECFSD)

Healthy Montana Families

Healthy Montana Families
1625 11th Avenue
Helena, MT 59620
Email: HMF@mt.gov

Healthy Montana Families Testimonials

Local Implementing Agencies (LIA) link to Groupsite

For information about other services that support young children and families such as quality child care and the professionals that support them, visit the Early Childhood Services Bureau

Leslie Lee, Section Supervisor/MIECHV Project Director
Email: llee2@mt.gov
Phone: (406) 444-6940

Abbie Chermack, Program Specialist
Email: abbrah.chermack@mt.gov
Phone: (406) 444-0041
Serving:Anaconda-Deer Lodge County, Butte-Silver Bow County, Cascade County, Flathead County, Gallatin County, Lewis and Clark County,Mineral County, Missoula County, Park County, and Yellowstone County

Rubin J. Ackerman, Program Specialist
Email: rackerman@mt.gov
Phone: (406) 444-2547
Serving: Blackfeet Reservation including Glacier and Pondera Counties, Northern Cheyenne Nation including Big Horn and Rosebud Counties, Custer County, Dawson County, Fort Peck Tribes including Daniels, Roosevelt, Sheridan, and Valley Counties, and Lake County

Lora Cowee, Program Specialist
Email: lora.cowee@mt.gov
Focus: Continuous Quality Improvement and other special Healthy Montana Families projects

Melissa Lavinder, Early Childhood Program Evaluator
Email: MLavinder@mt.gov

TJ Damon, Data System Manager
Email: Thomas.Damon@mt.gov

Click on the images below for additional information/resources

CDCs Milestone tracker app CDCs Milestone tracker app - Spanish

Data Dashboards:

HMF Needs Assessment Dashboard

 MIECHV Performance Measures Dashboard

MIECHV Demographic Service Utilization Dashboard