How to Apply for Civil Monetary Penalty Reinvestment Funds

How to Apply

Montana facilities and programs interested in applying for Montana civil penalties reinvestment dollars must use the federal application template, budget template, etc. Additional resources to review prior to submitting your CMP application can be found on the CMS website.

IMPORTANT: When you submit your CMP application to, please be sure to attach a current W9, and include your SAM Unique Entity Identifier number in the body of your email. The SAM number replaces the DUNS number and is required to receive federal funds. Information on obtaining a SAM Unique Entity Identifier can be found at

All applications must be fully complete, meet all criteria, and included all required attachments to be considered; this includes letters of commitment specific to the application’s goals and anticipated outcomes. Please review the additional guidance regarding the specific requirements for letters of commitment by nursing facilities.

Applications will be accepted on February 28th and August 31st.  SLTC will review applications using  CMS guidance for allowable and non-allowable uses of CMP reinvestment funds for CMP projects.

*SLTC will open CMP twice per year with applications due on February 28th and August 31 st with awards in April and October pending CMS review and consideration.

Measures should benefit residents of nursing facilities by fostering innovation and improving the quality of life and care at the facilities.  This could include the following:

  • Culture Safety
  • Consumer education to promote resident-centered care in nursing facilities.
  • Initiatives in nursing facilities related to the quality measures promoted by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services and other national quality standards.
  • Education and consultation for purposes of identifying and implementing resident-centered care initiatives in nursing facilities.
  • Each project must be portable, sustainable, and replicable in other nursing facilities. This includes requiring PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and other materials developed for the project to become public information.
  • The project must include a plan for measuring results in quantifiable terms. 
  • One- and two-year projects are recommended.  Projects may not exceed three years.
  • No state agency nor any other governmental entity, with the exception of a long term care facility defined MCA 50-5-1103 that is owned or operated by a governmental agency and that is licensed as a nursing care facility under section MCA 50-5-201 may apply for or receive a grant hereunder.
  • Any grant funded work produced under the nursing home penalty cash fund will become the intellectual property of the state of Montana and will be made available, without charge, to all nursing homes in the state.
  • In accordance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidance, projects for capital improvements; to pay for items or services that the facility is already responsible for (required services and supplies); or to fund projects that are unrelated to improving the quality of life of nursing home residents, will not be considered.

Please review these links before you submit a CMP application.

Email questions to:

Senior and Long Term Care Division

For General Help & Questions
(406) 444-4077 (Central Office)