A Healthier Montana

By working together on shared public health priorities, we can achieve a healthier Montana. A network of partners from state, local, and tribal government, non-profit, health care, business, and other sectors are using data from the State Health Assessment and goals outlined in the State Health Improvement Plan to address their mission:  To protect and improve the health of every Montanan through evidence-based action and community engagement.

New learning opportunity: An upcoming webinar series from the Public Health System Improvement Office on completing a Community Health Assessment! 6 sessions on different topics are available from September through February. Register in advance to attend.

The 2017 State Health Assessment provides a broad overview of the health of Montanans, from birth to death, physical health to mental health, and communicable disease to chronic disease. It also includes information about the social determinants of health, or, how where we live, work, and play impacts our health and wellbeing. 

The 2019-2023 Montana State Health Improvement Plan highlights shared statewide priorities for improving the health of Montanans. It includes objectives for monitoring improvement over time and proposed prevention and health promotion, clinical, policy, and health equity strategies for driving improvement.

This work is informed by Healthy People 2030, a program maintained by the federal government to set data-driven national objectives to improve health and well-being over the next decade. The A Healthier Montana Program proudly led the effort for the Public Health and Safety Division to be recognized as a Healthy People 2030 champion because of the ongoing work to align and monitor health improvement in Montana with national goals and measures.

Resources to support the health of every Montanan

Printable PDF resources:

The Public Health and Safety Division data dashboard with information available from Montana Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS), vital statistics, hospital and emergency department discharge, and the cancer registry:

The Local Plans Dashboard, which allows users to query Community Health Assessments, Community Health Improvement Plans, Community Health Needs Assessments, and Implementation Plans (CHAs, CHIPs, CHNAs, and IPs) from local and Tribal health departments and non-profit hospitals across the state:

Understanding the Foundations of Health:

A New Way to Talk About the Social Determinants of Health from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Reach out to Anna Bradley, State Health Improvement Plan Coordinator, to learn more about how to engage in cross-sector working groups on the following topics:

Public Health System Improvement
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency
Alcohol-impaired driving prevention
Obesity prevention

60 minutes or less

October 27, 2022: HOPE, Positive Childhood Experiences, and Adult Substance Use in Montana, presented by Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies and the Montana Institute

October 26, 2022: Update on Implementing the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) with Anna Bradley, Public Health and Safety Division

30 minutes or less

September 24, 2021: The Un-Processed Pantry Project (UP3) with Dr. Carmen Byker Shanks, Montana State University

August 27, 2021: Evaluating Disparities in Access to Obstetric Services for American Indian Women Across Montana with Dr. Maggie Thorsen, Montana State University

June 25, 2021: Baseline Assessment of Suicide Intervention Strategies in Montana with Dr. Nathan Munn, Helena College

April 23, 2021Montana Children’s Health Data Partnership Project with Brie MacLaurin, Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies

March 19, 2021Climate and Health in Montana: An Opportunity for Cooperation with Drs. Lori and Robert Byron, Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate

February 26, 2021Connecting Data Resources to Montana Communities with Nick Holom, Economist, Department of Labor and Industry

January 15, 2021Essential Child Care Needs During COVID-19 and Beyond with Meghan Ballenger, Montana Childcare Resource and Referral Network

December 18, 2020The Impact of COVID-19 on Health Behaviors in Montana with Dr. Michelle Grocke, Montana State University
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