Administering and Distributing Naloxone


Order Naloxone

Order FTS

If your organization/agency would like staff formally trained on the administration of naloxone, Best Practice Medicine is coordinating statewide efforts through their Master Trainer and General User courses.  A Master Trainer is a professional within your organization/agency who is designated to train other staff on the administration of naloxone. Other staff will then have access to a hybrid module and hands-on session with their designated Master Trainer and will receive a certification as a General User. 

Examples of organizations/agencies with designated staff trained as a Master Trainer:

·         Law Enforcement

·         Behavioral Health Providers

·         Schools

·         Other


Naloxone ordering will be through the regional OENDPs with updated contact information to come. Thank you for your patience.

If you wish to be notified when the form is re-enabled, please fill out and submit the Naloxone Notification Form

Eligible recipients include:

·         An individual at risk of an opioid-related overdose

·         Family, friends, or other person in proximity to a person at risk of opioid-related overdose

·         Others as listed on Montana's standing order

DPHHS encourages public health departments, the criminal justice system, behavioral health providers, harm reduction organizations, programs that serve veterans, and Montana Tribes to utilize this ordering process to have naloxone on hand for staff and to get naloxone into the hands of the end user.

·         Orders of Intranasal Naloxone HCL (Narcan) may not exceed 100 units

·         DPHHS and its contractors will use the information from the form to track naloxone distribution and to conduct other public health and epidemiological surveillance activities. 

This online ordering process is not for individuals, DPHHS maintains a list of organizations that have naloxone available through their programs for free.

Fentanyl Test Strip ordering is currently unavailable.

What are fentanyl test strips?

Fentanyl test strips (FTS) are a low-cost method of helping prevent drug overdoses and reducing harm. FTS are small strips of paper that can detect the presence of fentanyl in all different kinds of drugs (cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, etc.) and drug forms (pills, powder, and injectables).1 FTS provide people who use drugs and communities with important information about fentanyl in the illicit drug supply so they can take steps to reduce risk of overdose. For information on how to use FTS, visit Fentanyl Test Strips: A Harm Reduction Strategy (