Cancer Screening Services

The Cancer Screening Program supports comprehensive cancer control in Montana by providing ongoing quality screening services to Montana women and education in a manner that is appropriate, accessible, cost-effective and sensitive to the client’s needs.

Screening services include mammograms, clinical breast exams, Pap tests and pelvic exams for the early detection of breast and cervical cancers. Diagnostic testing is also provided for the follow-up of abnormal screening tests. For information about low cost screenings for eligible clients call:



Toll Free 1-888-803-9343

MCCP Current Income Guidelines



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To request additional information please contact:
Mark F. Wamsley, MBA
Program Manager
Montana Cancer Control Programs
PO Box 202951
1400 Broadway Rm C317
Helena MT  59620-2951
Phone (406) 444.4599
Fax (877) 764.7575