Program Integrity Section

The Program Integrity Section is comprised of two units:

Program Investigation Unit is responsible for investigating any case of alleged fraud and abuse by recipients in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, and Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP).  This unit also ensures that appropriate cases are acted upon either through administrative processes or referrals to law enforcement agencies of appropriate jurisdiction.

SNAP Quality Control and Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control conducts federally mandated random reviews of recipient eligibility in the SNAP and Medicaid programs. These reviews are conducted to provide information on the accuracy of eligibility determinations. The results of these reviews are used as a basis to reduce or eliminate the causes of incorrect payments made to recipients.

The conclusion of the processes may result in establishing client repayments.

For more information about Program Integrity

IPV / MEQC / PERM Supervisor
Amy Kohl
(406) 444-9356

SNAP Quality Control Supervisor
Ashley Alexander,
(406) 438-3332

If you suspect Recipient Eligibility Fraud
Call: 800-201-6308
or email
You may remain anonymous