VISTA Recruitment
Recruiting VISTAs is a partnership between Montana Community VISTA Partnership and your community. We receive applications and recruit for VISTAs both locally and nationally. Sometimes sites have an idea of particular individuals from within their community who may fit their needs, or particular capabilities that they would like for their VISTA to possess. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to pass names of potential applicants on to MCVP so that we may contact them at the beginning of the recruiting process. Also, let the VISTA team member in managing recruitment know what particular qualifications you want your VISTA to possess in addition to those that MCVP already requires. In other words, spread the word about your project in your local community and communicate your needs to us- help us to help you!
VISTA recruitment is a unique and oftentimes competitive process. It is impossible to predict how a recruitment cycle will go and recruitment ebbs and flows depending on the economy and time of the year. In order to ensure that we have the best possible chance at recruiting a VISTA for your project, MCVP requests assurances that you are committed to our process and who we should be working with to send candidates.
MCVP place VISTAs on projects twice a year with start dates in January and July for a full year of service.
January - recruitment happens October - December
July - recruitment happens March - June
The Process
VISTA applicants will apply to your project through the AmeriCorps Portal. Our team will review the applications and conduct pre-screening interviews to gauge the applicant’s readiness for VISTA service. We will then send suitable candidates along to your project for you to conduct your own, project specific interview. If you are interested in extending an offer to a candidate, MCVP will then submit the conditional offer and recommendation to serve to AmeriCorps. Ultimately AmeriCorps is the one who can officially extend an offer to serve as VISTA.
Local Recruitment
- Local recruitment has been very successful in the past. Use your networks - Facebook, LinkedIn, newsletters, volunteer websites (like VolunteerMatch or United We Serve), etc. - to promote your VISTA opportunity. MCVP can only do so much so use what you have and you will likely find an excellent applicant for your VISTA position. Your success is determined on your efforts so don’t be afraid to try new things!
- Collaborate within your organization or with other organizations in your community who are also recruiting VISTAs. Sharing responsibility will lighten your work load and is beneficial to all involved. Who knows, your partners may even have a list of applicants they were unable to place who may be perfect for your program.
- Enlist the help of current VISTAs. Current and former VISTA Leaders and VISTAs are excellent sources for helping you identify individuals who have the experience and motivation to become VISTAs. Discuss with them their reasons for joining VISTA and have them identify ways to reach individuals with similar motivations.
- Network. People often decide to do something because someone they respect or trust has suggested it. Ask college placement officers, professors, and community leaders to promote VISTA and your project.
- The VISTA Campus offers useful information and an easy way to connect with and share ideas with fellow supervisors, including around recruitment.
- Develop thoughtful interview questions that are relevant to your VISTA project. Download sample questions to get a better understanding of the types of questions to ask. Feel free to make changes that fit your needs.