Behavioral Health Advisory Council (BHAC)
The Montana’s Behavioral Health Advisory Council (BHAC) is required in Federal and State Statute related to the Mental Health Block Grant, consisting of 51% consumer participation, providers, advocates, and other stakeholders. The Council is responsible for collaborating with the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Division, to advise, review, and make recommendations for Behavioral Health services in Montana.
- Lawrence Rhone – Interim Chair
- Lawrence Rhone – Co-Chair
- Cindy Dallas – Secretary
- Jessica Gilbert – Member
- Levi Anderson – Member
- Levi Anderson – Member
- Beth Ayers – Member
- Erica Durham – Member
- Sami Lodahl – Member
- Claire Leonard – Member
- D’Anthony Willis – Member
Executive Committee:
Will consist of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, Secretary, and chairs of the Standing Committees. Chairs of Special Committees may participate in meetings of the Executive Committee when appropriate business is involved. The Executive Committee is responsible to conduct any business that is necessary between meetings of the full Council and will report such business at the next meeting of the Council. The Executive Committee will develop the proposed agenda for the regular and special meetings. The committee will evaluate and make recommendations to the Council regarding the budget.
Development Committee:
(Part of Executive Committee): Will be the Nominating Committee for election of officers. This committee will maintain awareness of attendance at meetings and note vacancies on the Council with responsibility to seek potential replacements. Applications for membership will be accepted, evaluated, and presented to the Director of the Department. The committee will draft any proposed amendments to the By-Laws for presentation to the Council. The committee is responsible for orientation of new members.
Block Grant Committee:
(Part of Executive Committee): Will work with the appropriate Department personnel on an on- going basis to review and make recommendations to the federal mental health Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
Crisis Subcommittee:
Will identify and provide recommendations for the development and implementation of evidenced based crisis services. Utilization of evidence based accessible services to include all individuals, adult, children, and seniors at the community level, will be a priority.
Youth and Families Subcommittee:
Will look at the major developmental crossroads in the life span where a person's support needs, and service requirements are likely to change. The priority of this subcommittee will be to examine the transition needs of the youth with a mental health service needs moving into the adult world of support services and personal responsibility. This subcommittee will also address other transition needs, including children's transitions inside the school and treatment systems, and the transitions that occur because of the consumer's involvement with the law and justice system and the Department of Corrections.
Justice/Forensic Subcommittee:
Will learn and discuss past and current methods, policies/practice, strengths, and weaknesses of mental health care of individuals who are involved with the justice system and have a mental health or co occurring disorder. The subcommittee will advocate for evidence-based practices pre-post entrance into the justice system.
Advocacy Committee:
Will prepare recommendations for legislative action as determined and approved by the Council. Committee members will assist the Department in presentations to the Administration and to candidates and legislators, including testifying before legislative committees. The Committee will work with System of Care Committee, Local Area Councils, Service Area Authorities, and other mental health partners to promote the Mission.BHAC Meetings: First Thursday of each month at 1:30 pm.
SUPTRS Planning Meetings:
Please email Gina Tracy,, for a meeting link, if you want to attend as a public attendee.
- Mental Health Block Grant Planning Meetings