Mini Grants:
Supporting Projects for Older Adults

The Annual Governor’s Conference on Aging, sponsored by the Governor's Advisory Council on Aging (GAC), supports rural communities with populations fewer than 10,000 through a mini-grant program. Designed to aid communities with limited resources in meeting the needs of older adults, these grants range from $200 to $1,000. They assist in various capacities, such as providing training materials, health equipment, kitchen supplies for meal preparation, and development of senior support services.

Funding for these mini-grants is garnered through sponsorships and a silent auction held during the annual conference, scheduled for September 16-17, 2025. Projects completed with grant funds must be documented with photos and financial records, and a report to the GAC is required by year-end.

To apply, download the 2025 Mini-Grant Application form, and submit it by September 5, 2025. Mail completed applications to:

Governor's Conference — Mini Grant
P.O. Box 4210
Helena, MT  59605

or fax to: (406) 444-7743

or email to: