Become a VISTA Host Site

Does your organization need a capacity builder to join your organization and expand your services to help more Montanans? VISTAs serve with you to meet a community need. VISTA projects developed by host sites often focus on launching or expanding new community programs, developing internal systems, financial support, and volunteer teams, forming coalitions and partnerships with sister organizations, and conducting community assessments. VISTAs build capacity for an organization, but their overall project must tackle a community need, not purely an organizational need. 

In order to host a VISTA, you must be a non-profit, tribal government or tribal organization, government agency, school district, or religious institution. All host-sites are responsible for having at least one staff member primarily in charge of managing and coaching the VISTA member during the year and ensuring that they have the resources they need. Host sites must also pay a cost-share fee to MCVP, provide a VISTA member with all the supplies they need at work (phone, computer, printer, internet, office space, desk, etc), and if travel is required as part of the VISTA member's duties, the site must pay their perdiem and mileage reimbursement (if using a personal car) or otherwise provide transportation for the member. 

Host Site Application Deadlines

MCVP accepts applications year round, however placement of VISTA members typically occurs twice a year - once in January and once in July. VISTAs serve for exactly one year with your organization. You must reach out to MCVP to discuss your project before receiving the application. Click here to contact us.

MCVP will officially start host-site recruitment in mid-August 2024 for projects beginning in early 2025. 

Is a Montana Community VISTA Partnership VISTA the right fit for you?

If you have any questions, or need more information on becoming a Montana Community VISTA Partnership host site contact: 

Emily "Lee" Lounder
VISTA Program Specialist
(406) 417-0934


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