Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)

HPP enables healthcare providers from diverse sectors to join forces with state and local health departments and emergency managers before, during, and after disasters. Through the healthcare coalitions (HCC), the healthcare delivery system and public health authorities plan together, coordinate their preparedness efforts and strengthen their ability to meet the needs of all patients during emergencies. Without the HCC created by HPP and support from the  Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), the healthcare delivery system will be ill-equipped to meet the needs of their communities in future disasters.


Strengthening Capabilities

HPP addresses gaps in healthcare preparedness through capacity strengthening activities, identifying hospital bed surge capacity, and training the healthcare workforce. Regional funding supports involvement in planning, training, and exercising, resulting in stronger, more resilient systems that can adapt to new threats.

Healthcare System Preparedness and Response

HPP Capacity Goal
Foundation for Healthcare & Medical Readiness Through strong relationships, address gaps by planning, training, and exercising.
Healthcare & Medical Response Coordination Share and analyze information, manage resources, and coordinate strategies to deliver medical care to the entire population.
Continuity of Healthcare Services Delivery Train, educate, and equip healthcare workers to provide life-saving medical care in the face of damaged or disabled infrastructure.
Medical Surge Hospitals, EMS, and out-of-hospital providers who deliver timely and efficient care to their patients even when the demand for healthcare service exceeds available supplies.

Strengthening Coalitions

Planning for and responding to emergencies depends on numerous factors, including, geography, type of healthcare delivery system, threats and hazards, and demographics. Through the development of healthcare coalitions that link all players in the healthcare system to emergency preparedness activities, HPP provides technical assistance, and facilitates coordination between the healthcare system, public health agencies, emergency management organizations, and others.

Visit Montana Health Care Coalitions Website for regional information.