Online New Hire Reporting System
Enter your New Hire information directly into the State Directory of New Hires database by using this method.
You must have an Okta account in order to access this web application. Okta accounts are free and allow you to access other state electronic services. Instructions for setting up an Okta account.
When you click on the link "Report New Hires Now" to access the Online New Hire Reporting System. Once you are logged in, you should be automatically directed to the Online New Hire Reporting System.
If you have other state services linked with an Okta account, you should see a dashboard for those services including the New Hire Reporting System.
Note: Do not use any punctuation when reporting new hires online or electronically as it will cause an error.
** If the system does not allow you to enter your business information, please contact the New Hire Reporting Program at 1-888-866-0327.
Online New Hire Reporting System
New Hire Reporting Program: 1-888-866-0327.