About Child Support Services Division (CSSD)
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CSSD on Facebook: please go to www.facebook.com/montanachildsupport.com and like the CSSD page.
CSSD on Instagram: make sure you follow us at MontanaCSSD or go to www.instagram.com/montanacssd.
Division Mission
Improve the economic stability of families through the establishment and enforcement of parental obligations.
The CSSD provides the following child support services:
- Locating parents;
- Establishing paternity;
- Establishing financial and medical support orders;
- Enforcing child support orders, including medical support orders;
- Modifying child support orders.
The division is made up of three bureaus: Budget and Administrative Services, Field Services and System, Program and Training. The Central Office and the Intergovernmental Regional Office are located in Helena. Four additional regional offices are located in Butte, Billings, Great Falls, and Missoula.