Infant and Child Vaccines
Immunizations help prevent the spread of diseases and help keep Montanans of all ages healthy. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends vaccines for infants, children, adolescents, and adults. This webpage contains information and resources for parents/guardians and healthcare providers about the recommended vaccines for infants and children through age six.
Recommended Immunization Schedule for Infants and Children
- Why Vaccinate?
- Vaccine Safety
- Preparing for Your Child's Visit
- Paying for Vaccines
- What is Montana's Immunization Information System (imMTrax)?
- How Do I Find My Child's Immunization Record?
- Social Media Resources
Vaccine Safety
Vaccines are very safe and effective in preventing serious diseases. Vaccines, like any other medicine, can have side effects. Some people report having mild side effects. Common side effects can include: pain, redness, sore arm or swelling at the injection site, fever, or headache. More information about vaccine safety.
Paying for Vaccines
All children in Montana are eligible to receive low or no cost vaccines through their health plan or the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC). Learn more about the VFC Program.
What is imMTrax?
Montana's Immunization Information System (imMTrax) is a confidential, computerized database that stores immunization records for Montanans of all ages. imMTrax combines records from multiple immunization providers to form one shot record. Once entered into imMTrax, the record will be available when needed for future child care and school entry, college admission, employment, and travel. Learn more about imMTrax and how it can help your family.
How Do I Find My Child's Immunization Record?
Contact your healthcare provider or local health department to locate your child's immunization record. More information about how to find your child's immunization record.
Social Media Resources
- Blogs:
- History of Vaccines- The College of Physicians of Philadelphia
- Moms Who Vax- Group of mothers lead by Ashely Shelby
- Seattle Mama Doc- Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson
- Shot of Prevention- Every Child by Two
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- @Vaxyourfam- Every Child by 2
- @Voices4Vaccines- Voices for Vaccines
- @ImmunizeAction- Immunization Action Coalition
- Healthcare Provider Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years and Younger
- Ways to Ensure Your Patients are Fully Vaccinated
- Provider Education
- Answering Parents' Questions
- Resources to Share with Parents
- Montana's Immunization Information System (imMTrax)
- Print Material
Ways to ensure your patients get fully vaccinated
- Use every opportunity to vaccinate your infant and child patients. Check vaccination status at every visit.
- Vaccine Information Statements- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Educate parents about the diseases that can be prevented by infant and child vaccines. Parents may know very little about vaccine-preventable diseases.
- Healthcare Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations with Parents- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Patient reminder and recall systems such as automated postcards, phone calls, and text messages are best practice strategies to improve vaccination coverage in clinics.
- Office Strategies for Improving Immunization Rates- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Reminder Systems and Strategies for Increasing Childhood Vaccination Rates- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Implement standing orders so that patients can receive vaccines without a physician examination.
- Vaccine Standing Orders- Immunization Action Coalition
- Screening Checklists for Contraindications to Vaccines for Children and Teens- Immunization Action Coalition
Provider Education
- MT IZ Provider Series- nursing contact hours available
- CDC Pink Book Webinars Series - continuing education credit available
- CDC You Call the Shots- nursing contact hours, pharmacology and continuing medical education credit available
- CDC Current Issues in Immunization NetConference- continuing education credit available
- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Webinar Series- continuing education credit available
- American Academy of Family Physicians Online Education- continuing medical education credit available
- American Academy of Pediatrics Professional Education- continuing medical education credit available
Answer Parents' Questions About Vaccines
- Common Parental Vaccine Concerns- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Infant Immunization FAQs- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Vaccine Safety
- Ingredients of Vaccines- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Safety Information about Specific Vaccines- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Resources to Share with Parents
- Vaccine Resources to Share with Parents- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Handouts to Share with Parents about Vaccination- Immunization Action Coalition
- Vaccine Resources to Answer Vaccine Questions and Concerns- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Patient's vaccine history can be looked up using imMTrax, Montana's Immunization Information System. imMTrax brings together multiple immunization records from Montana healthcare providers (public and private) and parental "shot cards" to form one complete, electronically preserved record. Learn more about imMTrax.
Print Material
- Print Advertisements and Posters- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Print Materials for Health Department Staff, Vaccine Advocates and Healthcare Professionals- Every Child by Two
Childcare and School Immunization Requirements
Is your child starting childcare or school soon? If so, it is important to know which vaccines are required to attend childcare and school. Learn about which vaccines your child needs on the childcare and school resources webpage.
Preteen and Teen Vaccines 
There are recommended vaccines for your (soon-to-be) preteen and teen. Learn more about these vaccines on the MT TeenVax webpage.