Vital Statistics Analysis Unit

The Vital Statistics Analysis unit (VSAU) collaborates with the Office of Vital Statistics (OVS) and the State Registrar to collect and analyze data on vital events in Montana. This unit is not responsible for issuing birth or death certificates. Visit the Vital Records site for all inquiries related to obtaining a copy of a birth or death certificate or matters related to these certificates.

The VSAU, located in the Office of Epidemiology and Scientific Support, analyzes vital statistics data and releases regular and special reports, which can be accessed below. Vital Statistics surveillance systems are a key component of the efforts by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services to monitor and improve the health and safety of Montana citizens.


The Montana Vital Statistics Analysis Unit provides custom statistical requests, death index files, and data for researchers. For a current list of services, fees, and ordering instructions, see below.  

Montana Vital Statistics Services (October, 2024)

For all questions related to reporting vital events or obtaining legal copies of birth, death, adoption, marriage, or divorce certificates please find the correct contact on the Office of Vital Records page.

For questions about obtaining research data or other statistics related to vital events contact (406) 444-2732.