Engaging Patients

Tobacco dependence has two parts, the physical addiction and the behavioral habit. The physical addiction to nicotine can be treated with cessation medications (Nicotine Replacement Therapy or prescription medications, Chantix or Bupropion). The behavioral habit is treated with counseling to help people who use tobacco to successfully navigate through triggers and habits they associate with using tobacco (eating, breaks at work).  Treatment should address both the addiction and the habit. 


Brief Intervention Using 2A's & RBrief Cessation Intervention flyer

  • Less than 3 minute intervention
  • Quickly identify tobacco use
  • Short interaction to help patient make positive change
  • Evidence based and easy to incorporate
  • More than doubles the odds of successfully quitting

Ask all individuals about tobacco use at every visit

Advise all people who use tobacco to quit

Refer to the Montana Tobacco Quit Line or other cessation service if available


Brief Intervention Using 5A'sTreating Tobacco Use and Dependence 2008 Update

The 5 A's is a more intensive intervention

Ask all individuals about tobacco use at every visit

Advise all people who use tobacco to quit

Assess readiness to quit

Assist individuals interested in quitting with their quit attempt

Arrange a follow up visit or call to track progress


More Resources:

Common Concerns When Talking to Patients about Tobacco Use

CDC Tobacco Intervention Flyer

Million Hearts Protocol for Identifying and Treating Patients Who Use Tobacco