Asthma-Related Resources and
Referral Information

For Healthcare Providers

Billing and reimbursement

Clinical guidelines for asthma

Continuing Education 

The Montana Asthma Control Program offers several continuing education opportunities and quality improvement activities to help providers become more familiar with the guidelines for asthma care.

There are also many resources for healthcare professionals provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Asthma Resources for use with Patients

In the dropdown menus below, please find a number of educational materials available for patients living with asthma and places to which a patient with asthma could be referred for additional support.

Education Resources

Public Health Programs / Patient Social Determinants of Health Resources

  • Montana Asthma Home Visiting Program - Refer your patients to the free Montana Asthma Home Visiting Program. Participants receive education from trained healthcare professionals, a home environmental assessment to identify possible asthma triggers, and incentives including free spacers, HEPA air purifiers, and replacement HEPA filters. 
  • Chronic Disease Prevention and Self-Management - Find programs available in your community through the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services to refer your patients for help preventing and/or managing their chronic conditions, such as asthma, diabetes, and arthritis, among others.
  • Other Resources - A list of local resources to help support your patients, such as weatherization and energy assistance programs, Montana Legal Services Association, and more.