Where we are one community under the Big Sky
featured podcasts
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A new episode is released the third Thursday of each month.
#40 - Enriching Health through Creativity
Quick Links:
- Montana Arts Council (MAC) - (406) 444-6430
- Creative Aginghttps://art.mt.gov/arts_healthcare
- Montana State Library
- MAC Newsletter - ARTeries, The lifeblood of arts in Montana
- Arts on Prescription
- National Endowment of the Arts
- Montana Cardiovascular Program
- Montana Diabetes Program
- National Assembly of State Art Agencies
- Lifetime Arts
- Arts in Schools and Communities (AISC)
#39 - Sudden Cardiac Arrest
"A certificate has never saved anybody, somebody stepping up . . . is what saves people." Join guest Janet Trethewey, EMT and CPR instructor with four decades of experience, as we discuss the difference between Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack. Cardiac arrest can strike anyone, at any age. Janet shares insights on preparedness, AED usage, and more.
Quick Links:
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Heart Attack
- Seth's Story - Townsend, MT
- What is an AED?
- CPR Classes:
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation Training
- Red Cross Training
- American Heart Association Training
- Hands only CPR
- Hands only CPR, Montana (see Montana Heart Rescuse Training)
- Emergency Action Planning for Medical Emergencies
- AED Registration and Plan
- Good Samaritan Law - Montana
- HEARTSafe Community
- Pulse Point AED app
- State of Montana EMS & Trauma Office - Email
#38 - Homelessness, Housing, and Health
Join our guests from the United Way of the Lewis and Clark Area (UWLCA) as we discuss how being unhoused impacts individual and community health, how one Montana community is working to help its unhoused population, and the reality and myths around our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Quick Links:
- United Way of the Lewis & Clark Area (UWLCA)
- Living Wage Calculator for Lewis & Clark County
- Housing and Healthcare in Action (St. Peter's Hospital)
- Point-in-Time Count
- HUD Exchange - Homelessness Assistance
- MT Continuum of Care Coalition
- FUSE Program (St. Peter's Hospital)
- Good Samaritan (Helena)
- PureView Health Center (Helena)
- Showers Program
- Housing First Model
#37 - Janet Trethewey: Caring for Aging Parents in Rural Montana
Small-town Montana offers a strong sense of community and invaluable support networks. However, as loved ones age, isolation and miles from specialized care become challenging. Join guest Janet Trethewey as she shares her family's journey as care takers of her aging parents and grandmother on the Hi-Line.
Quick Links:
- Stroke
- Parkinson's
- Caregiver
- DPHHS - State of Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
- Council on Aging
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Dementia
- Hospice
- CIH - Community Integrated Health
- POLST - Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- American Parkinson Disease Association
- American Heart Association
#36 - Melanie Williams: A Mother & Daughter's Alzheimer's Journey
Quick Links:
- Alzheimer's Association, Montana Chapter
- Alzheimer's Association
- Caregiver
- Building Our Largest Dementia Infrastructure Grant (BOLD)
- Area Agencies on Aging
- Early Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer's and Dementia
- Alzheimer Helpline - 800.272.3900
- ALZNavigator
- ALZConnected
- Hospice
- Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
- Legal Clinics
- Lifespan Respite Grant
- MSU Extension
- MontGuides - MSU Extension
- Senior Long Term Care
- Dementia Screenings
- Sundowning
- Perseveration
#35 - Tips for Staying Healthy From RSV, Flu, and COVID-19
Are you ready for the upcoming flu and RSV season? Join us for a two-part discussion on tips for prevention/treatment of flu, RSV, and COVID-19 and local data from State of Montana communicable disease experts. Let's stay healthy this fall and winter, Montana.
Part 1 - Tips for Staying Healthy From RSV, Flu, and COVID-19
Join us for part two of our flu, RSV, and COVID-19 discussion with State of Montana epidemiology experts. This episode takes a deeper dive into what data we track and the story it tell us.
Part 2 - A Deeper Dive: The Story Data Tells Us
Podcast #35 Part 1 Script
Podcast #35 Part 2 Script (coming soon)
Quick Links Part 1:
- Pan-Respiratory Home Page (State of Montana DPHHS - Flu, RSV, COVID-19)
- Pan-Respiratory Dashboard (State of Montana DPHHS)
- Influenza Dashboard (State of Montana DPHHS)
- Influenza (Flu)
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- COVID-19
- No-Cost COVID-19 Testing
- CDC Immunizations for Respiratory Viruses
- CDC Treatment of Respiratory Illnesses
- Monoclonal Antibody
- At Home Care
- High-efficiency particulate Air Cleaners (HEPA)
- Immunocompromised
- Vaccines for Children Program (VFC)
- Vaccine for Adults Program (VFA)
- CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Communicable Disease Epidemiology (State of Montana CDEpi)
- Montana Immunization Program (State of Montana DPHHS)
Quick Links Part 2:
- Case Surveillance
- Co-morbidity
- Syndromic Surveillance
- Vital Statisticcs
- Vital Statistics Analysis Unit
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
- Social Security Act of 1935
- Montana Code Annotated (MCA)
- Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM)
- Bird Flu
- Department of Livestock
#34 - Teenagers Talk About Vaping, Tobacco Use and Prevention, in their Community
Join guests Natalie and Faye, teenagers from Deer Lodge, and parent/local ReACT Coalition leader, Amanda Bohrer, as they talk about youth vaping and tobacco use in their community. They want kids to know, "they are not alone, and they do have value, and there are ways to get through it."
Quick Links:
#33 - Native Wellness Life: A Cultural Force
Featured guests, siblings, Debbie and Orville Desjarlais, join us to talk about their Native Wellness Life Magazine. Combining their talents in journalism and graphic design, this sibling duo use their magazine to inform native communities on disease prevention, cultural recipes, healthy habits, and more. Listen to this episode to hear how they use their slogan, Culture is Our Cure, to inspire action and conversation.
Quick Links:
- Native Wellnes Life Magazine
- Native Medicine Wheel
- FDPIR (Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations)
- SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
#32 - Camp MYDA: Empowering Montana Youth with Type 1 Diabetes
Camp MYDA (Montana Youth Diabetes Alliance) offers Montana youth with Type 1 Diabetes a chance to connect with peers, learn valuable skills, and enjoy a fun-filled week. Campers benefit from the support and guidance of medical staff, diabetes educators, and trained counselors. Additionally, the organization may be able to help with the financial burden of Type 1 diabetes for Montana families.
Quick Links:
#31 - Jake Sorich: Living with Diabetes - Every day, every moment, how are my numbers?
Quick Links:
#30 - Aubrie Carey: Integrating Community Resources Into Your Mental Health Journey Through Local EMS (cont.)
In this episode, we continue the conversation with guest Aubrie Carey and hear her story as she navigates mental health challenges after the birth of her son. She opens up about her past trauma of surviving a school shooting, and how that impacted her post-partum journey. Listen in and hear about how the Community Integrated Health Program guided her to the help she needed after giving birth.
Quick Links:
#29 - Aubrie Carey: Integrating Community Resources Into Your Health Journey Through Local EMS
Guest Aubrie Carey talks about her health care journey as she navigates pregnancy in a rural area. She found support through Community Integrated Health (CIH) at the local Jefferson Valley EMS Service, who provided comprehensive health care during her pregnancy and after the birth of her child. This story is about resilience and the power of a supportive community.
Quick Links:
- Community Integrated Health in Montana
- Perinatal Mental Health Resources
- Jefferson Valley EMS and Rescue
#28 - Amy Stiffarm: Spirit of Resilience - Indigenous Woman Leading the Way to Change (cont.)
Guest Amy Stiffarm continues her journey from Harlem to Helena, through the path of Salish Kootenai College, the University of Montana, and the University of North Dakota. She has forged a path of unwavering dedication and stands as a trailblazer, weaving traditional knowledge with new practices in milk medicine, cultural safety and sensitivity, and paving the way for the next generation.
Quick Links:
- Fort Belknap Indian Community: Home to the Assiniboine, or Nakoda, and the Gros Ventre, who refer to themselves as A’aninin or “People of the White Clay”
- Aaniiih women amonth first to graduate from UNDs new Indigenous Health Program
- Indian Health Services
- Salish Kootenai College
- Health Mothers, Healthy Babies
- University of Montana, School of Public Health
- University of North Dakota Indigenous Health (Ph.D.)
- Cultural Safety for Indigenous Mothers and Birthing People Toolkit
- Maternal Child Health
- Postpartum Depression
- Dr. Nicole Redvers - The Science of the Sacred (book)
- Conceptual Map - Perinatal Mental Health Experience of Indigenous Women and Birthing People
- MOMS Project ECHO
#27 - Amy Stiffarm: Spirit of Resilience - Indigenous Woman Leading the Way to Change
Growing up on the Hi-Line, in Harlem, a small community nestled just north of the Fort Belknap Reservation, guest Amy Stiffarm was shaped by both tradition and loss. Witnessing community members succumb to preventable conditions ignited a passion in early adulthood to learn how to help; a passion that continues to spark hope for change and cultural preservation for future generations.
Quick Links:
- Fort Belknap Indian Community: Home to the Assiniboine, or Nakoda, and the Gros Ventre, who refer to themselves as A’aninin or “People of the White Clay”
- Aaniiih women amonth first to graduate from UNDs new Indigenous Health Program
- Blood Quantum
- Salish Kootenai College
- Health Mothers, Healthy Babies
- University of Montana, School of Public Health
- Camie Goldhammer - Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services
- IBCLC - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
- Food Sovereignty
- Milk Medicine
#26 - Paige Reddan: Rebuilding Health From an Eating Disorder to Dietician
Quick Links:
- Eating Disorder Center of Montana
- Montana State University Easting Disorder Resources
- University of Montana Eating Disorder Resources
- Find a Registered Dietician
- Montana Diabetes Education Program
- American Diabetes Association
- The Wellness Trap by Christy Harrison
- Anit-Diet by Christy Harrison
- The Upgrade by Louanne Brizendine, MD
#25 - Brenda Segna: From Foster Care to Forever Home - A Montana Adoption Journey (cont.)
In this episode, guest Brenda Segna continues her story of foster parenting and adoption in Montana. She shares the challenges she has faced, such as helping her foster children to heal from trauma and adjust to their new home. She also shares the joys of watching her foster children thrive and become part of her family.
Quick Links:
- Foster Parent/Kinship Care Training
- Thinking About Becoming a Foster Parent?
- Montana State Adoption Assistance Program
- Child and Family Services Division Caseload Data
- Foster Love Project
- Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America
#24 - Brenda Segna: From Foster Care to Forever Home - A Montana Adoption Journey
Considering becoming a foster parent or adopting a teenager? Our guest Brenda Segna, a foster parent and adoptive mother of two teenagers, says "you have the opportunity to change the trajectory of their life." Join us as she shares her story of providing a safe and loving home for Montana children.
Quick Links:
- Montana Kinship Care
- A Waiting Child KRTV-Montana
- Youth Dynamics
- State of Montana Foster Care
- Foster Parent/Kinship Care Training
- Adoption and Guardian Assistance (Montana)
#23 - Becky Franks: Cancer Care and Choices Here at Home (cont.)
Join guest Becky Franks as she continues to share how Cancer Support Community Montana and the Montana Cancer Coalition have changed the trajectory of cancer care here at home. Because of these volunteers tireless work, Becky says, "Montana is not the fly or die state, this is the where you can thrive state."
Quick Links:
- Cancer Support Community Montana
- Montana Cancer Coalition Resource Map
- Survivor Services
- Cancer Transitions
- Final Gifts by Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelly (Book)
- Being Mortal by Atul Gawande (Book)
- MAIWHC (Montana American Indian Women's Health Coalition
#22 - Becky Franks: Cancer Care and Choices Here at Home
A diagnosis of cancer brings so much fear, so much anxiety, so much unknown, so much loss of control, loss of hope, and a real sense of isolation, particularly in Montana. Join us as guest Becky Franks shares how Cancer Support Community Montana can help those diagnosed with cancer, their caregiver(s) and family, work through these feelings, provide support and choices, here at home.
Quick Links:
- Cancer Support Community Montana
- Montana Cancer Coalition
- Mending in the Mountains
- Family Camps
- Reel Recovery
- Critical Access Hospitals
- Montana Comprehensive Cancer Regions Contractors
#21 - Jennifer James: Strength Together - A Family's Cancer Journey
Guest Jennifer James continues her family's cancer journey. Recounting her daughter's experience of essentially growing up in a hospital and highlighting the challenges it posed for her son, too. The unwavering support surrounding their family played, a pivotal role through their journey.
Quick Links:
- Seattle Children's Hospital
- Caring Bridge
- Dr. Dome
- Ronald McDonald House
#20 - Jennifer James: Navigating Childhood Cancer as a Family
For "whatever reason, she wanted to be flat on her back, and so we took her into the Emergency Room, after, you know, looking back now, probably shouldn't have waited two days, but it just didn't seem to be the type of accident that would have created any sort of major injury." Join our guest, Jennifer James, as she shares her family's cancer journey of their five-year-old daughter, diagnosed after falling off a sled in their yard.
Quick Links:
- Wilms Tumor
- Seattle Children's Hospital
- Chemo Therapy
- Radiation Therapy
- Blastemal
- Metastasize
- Stem Cell Transplant
#19 - Stacey Johnston-Gleason: Stories From a Special Olympics World Athlete
"When I started Special Olympics, I started my life," says guest Stacey Johnston-Gleason. Join Stacey as she continues her story about healthy living as a cancer survivor, a person with disability, and a World Class Special Olympian.
Quick Links:
- Montana Special Olympics
- ALPS (Athlete Leadership Programs)
- Sargent Shriver International Global Messenger
- Montana Disability Advisor
- Montana Cancer Coalition
- Montana Disability and Health Program
- Special Olympics
#18 - Stacey Johnston-Gleason: Navigating Cancer and Health Care with a Disability
Our guest Stacey Johnston-Gleason shares the importance of having a health care provider who listens and asks the right questions, especially as a person with disability. Asking the right questions led Stacey to finding colorectal cancer early and receiving prompt care. She also shares how she was adopted later in life and her love of Special Olympics.
Quick Links:
- Adoption in Montana
- Colorectal Cancer
- Montana Special Olympics
- Montana Disability and Health Program
#17 - Yvette Yarger: Learning to Love Life in a Larger Body (cont.)
Join us as guest Yvette Yarger continues her story, discussing her treatment for an eating disorder as someone in a larger body and how it differs from those treated for anorexia or bulimia. She shares how finding Eagle Mount, swimming and moving her body, literally saved her and finally brought joy being in her own body.
Quick Links:
- Eating disorders
- Bright app: The Bright App is a statewide, mobile-friendly web application that houses information on Montana’s mental health counselors and other mental health service providers. The Bright App allows anyone to locate mental health providers based on specialty and location. This app brought to you by WIM Tracking, LLC (a Montana based company).
- Gastric bypass
- Eagle Mount
- Easting Disorders Anonymous
- HAES - The Health at Every Size Principle
- The Body is Not An Apology - Sonya Renee Taylor
- Wise Mind Nutrition - Dr. David Wiss
- Breath Life Health Center, Los Angeles, CA
#16 - Yvette Yarger: Learning to Love Life in a Larger Body
At a very early age, guest Yvette Yarger remembers feeling uncomfortable in her own body and feeling as if she physically didn't fit in with the small ranching community in eastern Montana where she grew up. She shares how an eating disorder impacted her physical and mental health, and how she eventually found health, wellbeing, and happiness in her own body.
Quick Links:
- Depression
- Eating disorders
- Gastric bypass
- Obesity
- Eagle Mount
- Mayo Clinic
- Montana Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (BHDD)
- Eating Disorder Center of Montana (only licensed center in Montana)
#15 - Celebrating One Year
It has been one year since we've been promoting the Talking Health in the 406 podcast. We are doing things a little different for this episode; bringing you highlights from each guest. Whether you have listened to all of the episodes, or just a few, we hope this inspires you to listen again and share with friends and family. Enjoy.
If you have a topic you would like to hear about, or a story to share with us, contact us at Talkinghealthinthe406@mt.gov.
Quick Links:
- Talking Health in the 406
- Montana Diabetes Program
- Montana Blind and Love Vision Services
- EMS, Trauma, and Injury Prevention in Montana
- Montana Cardiovascular Health Program
- Montana Asthma Control Program
#14 - Rachel Anderson: Every Breath is a Gift (cont.)
"When people think Asthma, they don't always think it's a very big deal. I don't think people necessarily think of it as life threatening." Guest Rachel Anderson continues her story on how asthma has touched her family and changed it forever.
Quick Links:
- Asthma triggers
- Asthma educators
- Air quality
- Nebulizer
- Inhalers
- LifeCenter Northwest
- HEPA air purifiers
- Montana Asthma Home Visiting Program
- Montana Asthma Advisory Group
- Certified Asthma Educator
#13 - Rachel Anderson: Every Breath is a Gift
"Looking back, at the time, with the knowledge that we had we were doing the best we could," says guest Rachel Anderson. Join us as Rachel shares how a family history of asthma surfaces and touches her family. She also talks about the fears, challenges, and expenses of managing this chronic condition, which is often considered insignificant and can have major consequences.
Quick Links:
- Exercise induced asthma
- Rescue and Maintenance inhalers
- Asthma attacks
- Anemia
- Asthma triggers
- Nebulizer treatments
- Intubation
- Medically induced coma
#12 - Cheryl Tillemans: Journey Back to Health
When you raise a family, work full-time, and have an active lifestyle, there isn't always time for exercise. You might find yourself gaining weight and having health issues pop up. A lifestyle change program may be the right answer, be sure to give yourself time to try it out and commit to the idea. Join our guest Cheryl Tillemans as she shares her story of pushing through limitations, putting a little bit of love into herself and her amazing results!
Quick Links:
- Montana Diabetes Prevention Program
- Logan Health
- The Summit
- Reactive Hypoglycemia
- Know Your Numbers
- Journey To Wellness Program
- Whitefish Trail System
#11 - Kelly Little: The Heart of Recovery
This isn't a joke, this wasn't a dream. Imagine being in the hospital, experiencing chest pains with no diagnosis, and just waiting. Listen in as Kelly learns the cause of her chest pain, what happens next, and her road to recovery.
Quick Links:
- Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD)
- Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD)
- Angiogram
- Mayo Clinic
- Cardiac Rehabilitation available in Montana
- American Heart Association
- Heart Disease in Women
- Heart Attack Symptoms in Women
#10 - Kelly Little: The Heart of the Unexpected
Imagine being young, fit, healthy, and waking up one night with chest pains, life goes in a whole new direction. Join us as we celebrate American Heart Month with our guest Kelly Little as she shares her cardiovascular journey.
Quick Links:
- Blood Pressure
- Heart Attack Symptoms in Women
- Montana Cardiovascular Health Program
- SCAD: Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
- Women and Heart Disease
#09 - Francine Janik: EMS, Neighbor Helping Neighbor
Did you know volunteering at your local EMS (Emergency Medical Services) and completing EMS training can help your career? Join our last episode with guest Francine Janik as she discusses the benefits and levels of EMS training, and what EMS looks like in Montana today.
Episode quick links:
- Learn more about EMS
- Montana Emergency Care Provider Licensing
- Simulation in Motion in Montana
#08 - Francine Janik: EMS Recipient to Provider
From a law enforcement officer to receiving a gunshot wound in a shootout to giving lifesaving care as an EMS provider. Francine continues her story, including how important AEDs and hands-only CPR have become in today's society.
Episode quick links:
- MESI: Missoula Emergency Services
- AEDs: Automatic External Defibrillators
- Community AED
-AED Testimonial Videos:
- Helmsley Foundation
- Hands-Only CPR
- Montana EMS Annual Report
#07 - Francine Janik: The Country EMT - Early Beginnings of EMS in Montana
No longer just a ride to the hospital. Ambulance services in Montana have come a long way, from using the local undertaker to an emergency department on wheels. Learn more about Montana Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and how their role of care is changing in your community.
Episode quick links:
- Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)
- Community Integrated Health Progam
- EMS, Trauma, and Injury Prevention in Montana
- EMS Agency and Hospital Services in Montana - interactive map
#06 - Jacob Krissovich: Fife the Guide Dog
Our final episode with guest Jacob Krissovich discusses life with a guide dog. Jacob's dog, Fife, was key to living a more secure and independent life. Fife has been a life-saver, literally, for Jacob, due to his skill-set and specialized training. Listen in as Jacob tells how he was matched with Fife and how they navigate day-to-day life.
Episode quick links:
- Guide Dogs for the Blind
- Montana Association for the Blind
- Montana Blind and Low Vision Services
#05 - Jacob Krissovich: Losing Sight (cont.)
Guest Jacob Krissovich continues his story of transitioning to life without sight. In this episode he shares personal experiences on navigating grocery stores, crossing the street, preparing meals, and resources.
Episode quick links:
- Montana Association for the Blind
- Montana Blind and Low Vision Services
- National Federation of the Blind
- Public Transportation/Para-transit
- Vocational Rehabilitation
-Apps mentioned:
- Seeing AI
- InstaCart
#04 - Jacob Krissovich: Losing Sight
Starting a new story, Jacob Krissovich discusses his childhood as he lost vision in one and eventually both eyes.
Episode quick links:
- Montana Association for the Blind: www.MABSOP.org
- Montana Blind and Low vision Services: BLVS (mt.gov)
- National Federation of the Blind: www.NFBofMT.org
#03 - Melissa House: Double Organ Transplant
Concluding her story, Melissa shares how diabetes and chronic kidney disease led to a double organ transplant.
Episode quick links:
- National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease: transplant information
#02- Melissa House: Teenage Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease
Continuing her story, Melissa House discusses life as a teenager with Type 1 diabetes and the onset of chronic kidney disease.
Episode quick links:
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease
#01 - Melissa House: Childhood Diabetes
Butte, Montana native, Melissa House, takes us through her journey of a Type 1 diabetes diagnosis in childhood, and how she lived well with diabetes.
Episode quick links:
- Montana Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Programs: map and telehealth locations
- Diabetes.mt.gov
- American Diabetes Association
- CDC Diabetes